Saturday, November 16, 2013

Recover Playlist - Spotify [Solved]

If you accidentally deleted playlist from Spotify. Do not panic. Just login here with Spotify credential. Click on "Restore" against the playlist you want to restore. Playlist will be restored immediately.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Gravity - 2013 - A Must Watch in Theatre

If someone said that this movie was filmed in space I would actually believe it. With just two main characters in movie. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock have pulled off 90 Mins in style. The sound and visual effects are so real. It would actually make you feel, how it would actually be when you are out there 600 Kms away from Earth.

I have always been "not so keen" for 3D movies. But this movie stands out, and makes me appreciate 3D Movies. Simple and straight story line and a must watch for each and every one.

Movie that you can enjoy with family.

That's my pick for Oscars !!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Reddit Acronyms

  • AFAIK means "As far as I know"
  • AMA means "Ask me anything"
  • CMV means "Change my view"
  • DAE means "Does anybody else" or "Does anyone else"
  • ELI5 means "Explain like I'm 5 (years old)"
  • FTFY means "Fixed that for you"
  • IAMA means "I am a"
  • IANAD means "I am not a doctor"
  • IANAL means "I am not a lawyer"
  • IIRC means "If I recall correctly"
  • IMO/IMHO means "In my opinion" and "In my humble/honest opinion", respectively
  • ITT means "In this thread"
  • MRW/MFW means "My reaction when" and "My face when", respectively
  • NSFL means "Not safe for life" (gory or gross content)
  • NSFW means "Not safe for work" (sexual content)
  • OP means "Original poster" (the person who started the thread)
  • [Serious] means "Serious responses only" (commonly used in /r/askreddit and other subreddits now)
  • PSA means "Public service announcement"
  • TIL means "Today I learned"
  • TL;DR means "Too long; Didn't read"
  • YSK means "You should know"