With the launch of iPhone4 in India. It is priced at a whooping Rs. 34,000/- Which makes this phone unreachable to most of the iDevice lovers. Or rather the people who are in the medium income segment.
Recently, one of my friend was very curious about Airtel and Aircel officially launching the phone in India. But looking at the price, it was a BIG no to go for one. Few days back, he came to know about an offer by UniverCell, Bangalore (Cellular Phone outlet). They were giving away smart phone priced greater than 4k's on EMI for 6 Months (Zero % interest) for HDFC Credit Card Holder.
A good way to own the overpriced phone, he did buy the phone (on 3rd June, 2011) and is paying Rs. 34,500/- over a span of 6 Months. That comes to Rs. 5,750 ~.
So what's stopping you now?